Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins ver. 2.60.1
Extensible Choice Parameter Plugin : 1.4.0 (archives)
The pipline DSL documentation explaines that an multiple choice dialog can be used with the input command. The documentation however is not very detailed. I had to read the code of the extendedchoiceparaemter to circumvent some problems (e.g. when the muliSelectDimiter parameter is missing the plugin throws a null pointer exception. )
Im, however, stuck now with an interface problem it seems. Please see attached console output. Assumption: It is tried to invoke a method of the plugin which doesnt have the expected signature anymore.
stage('file input') { node { script { def userInput = input message: 'Let\'s promote?', ok: 'Release!', parameters: [$class: 'com.moded.extendedchoiceparameter.ExtendedChoiceParameterDefinition',name:"test", multiSelectDelimiter: ",", type: 'PT_MULTI_SELECT',value: "first,second,third"] echo "userInput" } }
Looks an issue not of extensible-choice, but extended-choice-parameter.
Changed component/s.