Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins version: 2.75
Folders plugin: 6.1.2
Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries plugin: 2.8
Pipeline plugin: 2.5
Using this snippet (URLS extracted) I've managed to create a folder when in freestyle job and using a jobdsl step (both reading from disk and direct input)
folder("test") { properties { folderLibraries { libraries { [ libraryConfiguration { name("rnd-common") implicit(true) retriever { scmSourceRetriever { scm { subversionSCMSource { id("scm-library") remoteBase("https://svnpath") credentialsId("some-creds-id") includes('*') } } } } defaultVersion('/') },libraryConfiguration { name("build-specific-test") implicit(true) retriever { scmSourceRetriever { scm { subversionSCMSource { id("scm-library-build-specific-test") remoteBase("https://svnpath") credentialsId("some-creds-id") includes('*') } } } } defaultVersion('/') } ]} } } }
but when I try to create it with the pipeline jobDsl step, I don't get any error, yet the shared libraries aren't created in the folder. More-over, if they are created manually, they are removed.
Worth mentioning that I am also using the permissive-script-security-plugin