Resolution: Unresolved
Windows 2012 server, Jenkins version 2.72, got master and slaves
When running the following Pipeline script, I got a error when the repo hasn't been change for 30 days!
Using: Poll SCM for trigger (H/5 * * * *), and no concurrent builds
node('master') {
stage('Checkout') {
checkout([$class: 'MercurialSCM', clean: true, credentialsId: 'kiln', revision: 'default', source: 'http://pdfogbugz01.pdir.dk/kiln/Code/FDSOA/domains/archive', modules: 'archive'])
Started on Sep 8, 2017 1:04:13 PM [Archive] $ hg --config auth.jenkins.prefix=* --config ******** --config ******** --config "auth.jenkins.schemes=http https" pull --rev default ERROR: polling failed in D:\J\workspace\Domain\Archive on java.io.IOException: Process working directory 'D:\J\workspace\Domain\Archive' doesn't exist!
Note: Similar to JENKINS-15495!
We got about 120 Jobs which all uses the same approch. Most is using a Shared Library, (all falies) but this examble is not.
Probably SCMStep.checkout should workspace.mkdirs(). MercurialSCM.checkout could probably do the same if it has not already been patched to do so, but better to solve it generically.