Resolution: Unresolved
Ghprb version 1.38.0
Jenkins ver. 2.60.3
Using pipeline script from SCM to set up Pull request build, it used to work fine. Now with Jenkins and ghprb version updated got:
git fetch --tags --progress https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk-tests.git +refs/heads/:refs/remotes/origin/
git rev-parse origin/${sha}^{commit} # timeout=10
git rev-parse ${sha}^{commit} # timeout=10
Setting status of 88a2f7b to FAILURE with url https://ci.adoptopenjdk.net/job/PR_sanity_openjdk_test_x86-64_linux/18/ and message: 'There are sanity test failures
Using context: running sanity tests
ERROR: Couldn't find any revision to build. Verify the repository and branch configuration for this job.
Finished: FAILURE.
Same environment using pipeline script directly( not from scm) works fine.