Resolution: Done
Blue Ocean 1.4 - beta 2
GithubEditorTest.java features an end to end test for creation of a simple pipeline. Since Declarative now supports parallel execution of stages, some editor flows have been added. An automated test should be implemented to run through this flow.
- EditorPage.java could have a method added to it, called testEditorParallel(String newBranch), much like the existing testEditor(String newBranch) method. testEditorParallel would go through the steps of creating a Pipeline which includes parallel stages.
- A second test, very much like the existing testEditor(), could then be implemeted, which calls the newly created testEditorParallel(String branchName) method.
- is related to
JENKINS-47249 Remove the "Name parallel group" dialog
- Resolved
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- mentioned in
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