Resolution: Unresolved
1. I ran Perforamnce center(12.01) test from Jenkins(2.73), the script has 5 transactions in it.
2. But the trend graph in jenkins always shows the count as '1'. I have SLA being configured for all transactions in PC.
3. Executed 5 Builds with same test script, first 3 builds SLA passed for all transactions, 4th build SLA failed for only one transction.
4. But jenkins trend graph shows the total count as 1.
5. HTML summary report has all the transactions with SLA status
PC version : 12.01
jenkins version: 2.73.2
Hp plugin verison : 5.2
Attaching screenshot
The trend report you are referring to is related to JUnit plugin: https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/JUnit+Plugin which is not a plugin developed by Performance Center team
You should enable "Publish JUnit test result report" in the "Post Build Actions" section of your job configuration.
Performance Center R&D.