Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 2.73.3
Hi Naresh,
I'm facing a (really) small issue with the plugin:
My JIRA server and Jenkins server are sharing the same users IDs, but users IDs and display names are different ('jdoe' as ID and 'John DOE' as display name for instance).
Is there a specific reason you used the UserIdCause.getUserName() instead of UserIdCause.getUserId() to compute the buildUser?
Is it possible to change it? (or maybe make it configurable at least?)
JiraStepExecution.java - ligne 136
buildUser = ((UserIdCause) causes.get(0)).getUserId();
Just made this small change and it worked well for me (for steps I tested: jiraAddComment, jiraNewVersion).
Comment with Jenkins user name:
Comment with Jenkins user ID:
What do you think?
P.S. Thanks a lot for this plugin by the way, it's helping me a lot
+1, I didn't realize this as userName and userId are same on my local Jenkins instance. For now I will update it to use UserId instead and also will think of this as a configurable in future when I have situation where this differs. Thanks for reporting this paldari