Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 2.89
google-login-plugin 1.3
Except when logging in to Google and Jenkins for the first time, Jenkins login incorrectly redirects to JENKINS_ROOT_URL/securityRealm/# (as per attached screenshot).
A. Signed out from Google (with email pre-populated from previous login); logged out from Jenkins.
- click "log in" on Jenkins
- redirected to Google login page; user already known
- Enter password and request 2FA code to my phone; enter code
- Jenkins redirects to JENKINS_ROOT_URL/securityRealm/#
B. Removed Google login details; logged out from Jenkins
- click "log in" on Jenkins
- redirected to Google login page; enter email address and follow login steps
- Enter password and request 2FA; enter code
- Jenkins correctly redirects to JENKINS_ROOT_URL/#
C. Logged in via Google; logged out from Jenkins
- click "log in" on Jenkins
- Jenkins redirects to JENKINS_ROOT_URL/securityRealm/#
My authorised redirect URL in Google oauth client settings is: JENKINS_ROOT_URL/securityRealm/finishLogin
Seeing the same behaviour.
Jenkins 2.46.2, latest google-login-plugin