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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-4829

parsing of boost test results


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • xunit-plugin
    • None
    • Platform: HP, OS: HP-UX

      I'm haing an issue with xunit parsing boost test results.

      Hudson version 1.332
      xUnit version 0.3.1

      Error from the hudson console output is:-

      [xUnit] Starting to record.
      [xUnit] [Boost Test Library] - Use the embedded style sheet.
      [xUnit] [Boost Test Library] - Processing 21 files with the pattern
      'source/test/unit/*.rpt' relative to
      [xUnit] [ERROR] - Couldn't split JUnit testsuites for the file
      'source/test/unit/<report_name>.rpt' into JUnit files with one testsuite.
      [xUnit] Stopping recording.
      Finished: FAILURE

      Arguments passed to boost are:

      [exec] ['./test', '-build_info=yes', '-catch_system_errors=yes',
      '-detect_memory_leak=yes', 'output_format=XML', '-log-level=all',
      '-result_code=0', 'report_level=detailed', '-random=0',
      '--show_progress=no','./test.log', '-test_report', './test.rpt']

      Format of the boost output is like (abbreviated):-

      <TestSuite name="Master Test Suite" result="passed" assertions_passed="469"
      assertions_failed="0" expected_failures="0" test_cases_passed="35"
      test_cases_failed="0" test_cases_skipped="0" test_cases_aborted="0">
      <TestSuite name="text_table_testsuite" result="passed" assertions_passed="6"
      assertions_failed="0" expected_failures="0" test_cases_passed="2"
      test_cases_failed="0" test_cases_skipped="0" test_cases_aborted="0">
      <TestCase name="text_table_test::test_text_table" result="passed"
      assertions_passed="6" assertions_failed="0" expected_failures="0">
      <TestCase name="text_table_test::test_cell_access_time" result="passed"
      assertions_passed="0" assertions_failed="0" expected_failures="0">
      <TestSuite name="csv_encode_testsuite" result="passed" assertions_passed="10"
      assertions_failed="0" expected_failures="0" test_cases_passed="1"
      test_cases_failed="0" test_cases_skipped="0" test_cases_aborted="0">
      <TestCase name="csv_encode_test::test" result="passed" assertions_passed="10"
      assertions_failed="0" expected_failures="0">

      I've found a related googletests type issue
      (https://hudson.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3007), which refers to
      multiple test classes within a single output file, and whilst this feels like a
      similair thing, i've reduced it down to a single testsuite and that also fails
      with the same error.

      Any help greatly appreciated.

            gbois Gregory Boissinot
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