Any activity on this? We use hg subrepos, and I've got a partial work-around that allows us to include the subrepo changes on the jenkins "Changes" screens, but it doesn't work for the email notifications:
Our build script runs a similar "hg incoming" command to the one that the jenkins mercurial plug-in already runs for the top level hg repo, and it modifies/augments the jenkins changelog.xml file in the builds directory with the additional changes for each subrepo.
Here's a partial snippet from that script:
Note that the above "hg in" will include all changesets up to tip since the last build. To more generally support the .hgsubstate file, the "hg in" should include "-r $rev", where $rev is set from the entry in .hgsubstate.
The build script then proceeds to update the workspace with the incoming subrepo changesets and complete the build. The final kludge to get jenkins to see the modified changelog.xml file is to trigger a jenkins reload.
It would be better to get this functionality into the mercurial plugin and avoid needing to do that kludge, which would likely also allow the added changes to be included with the build notification emails. I haven't yet delved into jenkins plug-in module development but might look into it for this.