Resolution: Won't Fix
The plugin is up to date in version 2.8
Jenkins is in version 2.73
I have a job with a parameterized string (let's call it ID) that I want to pass to the input as the id. However, when the value of ID is for instance "foo", the corresponding URI for approval/abortion is <jenkins_url>/job/<job_name>/<build_id>/input/Foo/proceedEmpty
For some weird reason (I found nothing in related JIRA tickets I could find but I'm not really used to JIRA),the first character has change from 'f' to 'F'.
It is easy to make a workaround with add a number as first char (for instance 0), but it is kinda ugly.
Is there a reason for the first character being changed to upper case ?
Thanks in advance ! And sorry if there is a ticket already dealing with that point.
The capitalization is done to disambiguate URLs - i.e., making sure we're going to get that ID and not inadvertently get a doFoo() method on the InputAction. It's a little annoying, but I don't think it's something we'll change.