Resolution: Done
Blue Ocean 1.4 - beta 3
There are increasing reports that initial loads are worse and worse (looking at master, and 1.3).
rtyler reported that loading 2 fonts is taking 4 seconds (each, in parallel, even though they are only 70KB each). They must be some amazing fonts.
- Find out why fonts take 4 seconds to load each https://i.imgur.com/679C44p.png
- Mostly investigation. Result may be that we need "sane" code splitting and then minification, tree shaking etc(things I know kzantow wants to take a look at) but may be lower hanging fruit in short term so it doesn't appear so bad.
A tool like https://gtmetrix.com/reports/ci.blueocean.io/FI3cg80T shows cold load analysis. The time shown is more ideal for low latency connection, in reality can be up to a minute for people on modest connections. So anytime there is a delay in the waterfall, you can magnify that for users who have no ideal latency
Take a look at the waterfall on that link. Note there is a cascade in the middle with loading the dashboard and other plugins and localisation files it looks like - that seems new (ish).
Note this network timeline from Tyler: https://i.imgur.com/679C44p.png - fon'ts are taking 4 seconds to load (70kb each) ???
vivek why would font files be served up so slow via stapler?