Resolution: Fixed
Bitbucket Server on Windows
Jenkins 2.89.2 on Windows
Violation Comments to Bitbucket Server Plugin 1.58
I deliberately changed three files so that the build system generates warnings that the Violation Comments to Bitbucket Server Plugin should report as comments to a pull request:
- mobiilirajapinta/json-dateandtime.md
- mobiilirajapinta/json-nimeämiskäytäntö.md
- sanasto.md
The plugin does add comments about the other two files but not about "mobiilirajapinta/json-nimeämiskäytäntö.md", whose name contains non-ASCII characters. This happens on Windows.
The console output says:
Found 3 violations from ViolationConfig [pattern=.*\\docfx\.log\.xml, reporter=DocFX, parser=JCREPORT].
Jenkins loggers say:
joulukuuta 20, 2017 12:58:13 IP. FINE ViolationsReporterApi Found 1 reports: joulukuuta 20, 2017 12:58:13 IP. FINE ViolationsReporterApi C:\JenkTst\agent1\workspace\n-mobiilin-dokumentit_PR-16-XBYT654LGQHOZLTISQHSND3OR52VOZRVTZYYQSSUQPHLAN2AU6IQ\obj\docfx.log.xml joulukuuta 20, 2017 12:58:13 IP. FINE ViolationsReporterApi Found 3 violations: joulukuuta 20, 2017 12:58:13 IP. FINE ViolationsReporterApi DocFX INFO (InvalidFileLink(BuildCore.Build Document.LinkPhaseHandlerWithIncremental.ConceptualDocumentProcessor.Save)) mobiilirajapinta/json-nimeämiskäytäntö.md 7 -> 7 joulukuuta 20, 2017 12:58:13 IP. FINE ViolationsReporterApi DocFX INFO (InvalidFileLink(BuildCore.Build Document.LinkPhaseHandlerWithIncremental.ConceptualDocumentProcessor.Save)) sanasto.md 63 -> 63 joulukuuta 20, 2017 12:58:13 IP. FINE ViolationsReporterApi DocFX INFO (InvalidFileLink(BuildCore.Build Document.LinkPhaseHandlerWithIncremental.ConceptualDocumentProcessor.Save)) mobiilirajapinta/json-dateandtime.md 18 -> 18 joulukuuta 20, 2017 12:58:13 IP. FINE se.bjurr.violations.comments.lib.CommentsCreator 3 violations. joulukuuta 20, 2017 12:58:14 IP. FINE se.bjurr.violations.comments.lib.CommentsCreator createSingleFileComments Asking BitbucketServerCommentsProvider to comment: joulukuuta 20, 2017 12:58:14 IP. FINE se.bjurr.violations.comments.lib.CommentsCreator createSingleFileComments DocFX INFO InvalidFileLink(BuildCore.Build Document.LinkPhaseHandlerWithIncremental.ConceptualDocumentProcessor.Save) ChangedFile [filename=sanasto.md, specifics=[]] 63 joulukuuta 20, 2017 12:58:14 IP. FINE se.bjurr.violations.comments.lib.CommentsCreator createSingleFileComments DocFX INFO InvalidFileLink(BuildCore.Build Document.LinkPhaseHandlerWithIncremental.ConceptualDocumentProcessor.Save) ChangedFile [filename=mobiilirajapinta/json-dateandtime.md, specifics=[]] 18
That is, the plugin did not realize that the pull request included a change to mobiilirajapinta/json-nimeämiskäytäntö.md, so it did not report any violations in that file. However, the web UI of Bitbucket Server shows that the pull request includes such a change, and so does the REST API.
I'm guessing the problem is in BitbucketServerInvoker.invokeUrl:
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
This calls public InputStreamReader(InputStream in), which uses the default charset of Java, likely Windows-1252 on Windows; but the JSON HTTP response from the server seems to be always UTF-8.
I'm filing this under the violation-comments-to-github-plugin component because there is no violation-comments-to-stash-plugin component and both plugins have the same author.
I tried to work around this by mangling the file names in the violations log file before the plugin parses it: convert the strings to byte arrays as UTF-8, convert back to strings as Windows-1252, and write to the log file as UTF-8 again. This made the plugin generate a comment about mobiilirajapinta/json-nimeämiskäytäntö.md too, thereby proving that the problem is caused by the encoding. However, this is not an acceptable workaround because it causes the plugin to send the wrongly encoded file name to Bitbucket Server when it is publishing the comment. Bitbucket Server then displays the comment but does not display any context from the diff.