Resolution: Not A Defect
tfs_plugin version 5.126.0
jenkins version 2.75
Using Jenkins pipeline job, I am trying to print the TFS_CHANGESET but I get {{null }}
I also notice environment variables TFS_WORKSPACE / TFS_WORKFOLDER / TFS_PROJECTPATH / TFS_SERVERURL / TFS_USERNAME show "null" as well.
example code:
import hudson.plugins.tfs.TeamFoundationServerScm node { serverUrl = "http://SERVERNAME:8080/tfs/ORG" projectPath = "\$/DigitalPlatforms/Syndication/Dev" try { deleteDir() stage 'download-from-scm' def workspace = pwd() + '/' + "Hudson-testingtfs-MASTER" ws("/var/lib/jenkins/testing/testingtfs" + '/' + "Hudson-testingtfs-MASTER") { def out = checkout changelog: false, poll: false, scm: [$class: 'TeamFoundationServerScm', credentialsConfigurer: [$class: 'AutomaticCredentialsConfigurer'], projectPath: "${projectPath}", serverUrl: "${serverUrl}", useOverwrite: true, useUpdate: true, workspaceName: 'Hudson-${JOB_NAME}-${NODE_NAME}'] echo "${workspace}/${env.TFS_CHANGESET}" //null for TFS_CHANGESET echo "${env.TFS_CHANGESET}" //null } } catch (err) { currentBuild.result = 'FAILED' throw err } }
can you try the following code to print out the env vars that are available?