• Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • blueocean-plugin
    • None
    • Blue Ocean 1.4 - beta 5

      Console logs from a job which generates a big, long, single line of output don't wrap in the Blue Ocean UI, but they do wrap in Classic.

      Steps to recreate:
      1. I've used the following Jenkinsfile. Mine is in a multibranch project, but you could probably use it in an inline job:

      pipeline {
          agent any
          options {
              buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '20')) 
          stages {
              stage ('Make a huge long string') {  // start of parallel wrapper
                  steps {
                      sh 'for i in `seq 1 100`; do cat /dev/urandom | env LC_CTYPE=c tr -dc \\\'[:alpha:]\\\' | head -c 50000; done'
          post {
              always {
                  echo "ALWAYS --> Runs all the time."
                  // Delete our work directory to save on disk space.
              success {
                  echo "SUCCESS --> Whatever we did, it worked. Yay!"
              failure {
                  echo "FAILURE --> Failed. Womp womp."

      2. Run this job, and look at the log output in Blue Ocean. It's not obvious at first glance, but there's a small horizontal scrollbar shown:

      3. If you use the scrollbar, you'll end up with a large, blank white area:

      4. This might not come out in a screenshot, but I'll give it a try. The super long log is actually visible...barely! It's just a trace amount darker than its white surrounding. I actually thought there was some dirt or something on my display, like from my keyboard:

      5. Turns out, this is actually selectable and clickable. Here I've highlighted a small part of it:

      6. And here I've double-clicked one of the two lines:

      7. I realize this is kind of a nutball Jenkinsfile. It was originally created for performance testing - and it's really good for that. So, I bumped down the character count to a more reasonable 300:

      8. For comparison purposes, here's the 300-character version as shown by Classic.

      This issue seems pretty similar to JENKINS-35719.

        1. image-2018-01-18-17-31-05-104.png
          784 kB
          Karl Shultz
        2. image-2018-01-18-17-29-14-037.png
          588 kB
          Karl Shultz
        3. image-2018-01-18-17-26-51-043.png
          299 kB
          Karl Shultz
        4. image-2018-01-18-17-26-23-459.png
          292 kB
          Karl Shultz
        5. image-2018-01-18-17-25-28-490.png
          342 kB
          Karl Shultz
        6. image-2018-01-18-17-23-53-694.png
          371 kB
          Karl Shultz
        7. image-2018-01-18-17-22-39-425.png
          611 kB
          Karl Shultz

          [JENKINS-49036] Long log lines don't break and wrap

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            nicu Nicolae Pascu
            kshultz Karl Shultz
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