Problem statement
As an administrator, I want to know where to look at when I have a specific issue.
- My server is unresponsive, slow, etc.
- I see intermittent connectivity issues, agents get disconnected
- Sometimes authentication does not work, is slow...
- …
Better Information Accessibility
- Write blog entry to make some noise about the plugin(s) and docs in this area?
- Make troubleshooting-related plugins more well-know (or not?)
- Initiate a troubleshooting part under
- Add a new category “troubleshooting” for those plugins? To be presented/selectable through the plugins’ site left menu checkboxes?
(Context: this issue was discussed during the pre-FOSDEM Jenkins meetup that happened on Friday 2nd February 2018, mainly with Dario, fbelzunc & batmat. Originally in that document).