Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins 2.89.3
Visual Studio Build Tools 2017
Clone https://github.com/Heteroculturalism/JenkinsBug.git
Build DotNetFrameworkLib.sln to create a .NET Framework Nuget package.
Attempt to build DotNetStandardLib.sln via MSBuild plugin using Visual Studio Build Tools 2017. Be sure to reference Nuget package created in DotNetFrameworkLib.sln. The build fails saying "'DotNetFrameworkLib' could not be found". This builds just fine in Visual Studio AND via the build tools command line but not in Jenkins for reasons I don't understand. Please advise. Thanks!
Hi, Please let me know, if any solution found for this issue. I too face same issue. Building .Net standard project is successful though MsBuild commandline, but same command when run through Jenkins job fails.