Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 2.101 docker Image
Environment: see below
With proxy
### ------------------- logger ------------
We defined a logger for:
hudson.model.UpdateCenter ALL
hudson.model.UpdateSite ALL
### ------------------ Updatecenter --------------
Also within the updatecenter we have:
Proxy: http-proxy.custom.company.org
Port: 3128
### ------------------ hudson.model.UpdateCenter.xml --------------
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
### ------------------ Docker -------------
FROM jenkins/jenkins:2.101
- JAVA_OPTS=-Dhudson.Util.useNativeChmodAndM.org=true -Dhudson.Util.symlinkEscapeHatch=true -Dhudson.security.csrf.requestfield=Jenkins-Crumb -Dhttp.proxyHost=http-proxy.custom.company.org -Dhttp.proxyPort=3128
- JENKINS_OPT="--logfile=/var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log"
- http_proxy=http://http-proxy.custom.company.org:3128
- HTTP_PROXY=http://http-proxy.custom.company.org:3128
- https_proxy=http://https-proxy.custom.company.org:3128
- HTTPS_PROXY=http://https-proxy.custom.company.org:3128
### ------------------ Dockerfile --------------
COPY ca-company.org.pem $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security
cd $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security \
&& keytool -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt -trustcacerts -importcert -alias companycert -file ca-company.org.pem
Jenkins 2.101 docker Image Environment: see below With proxy ### ------------------- logger ------------ We defined a logger for: hudson.model.UpdateCenter ALL hudson.model.UpdateSite ALL ### ------------------ Updatecenter -------------- Also within the updatecenter we have: Proxy: http-proxy.custom.company.org Port: 3128 ### ------------------ hudson.model.UpdateCenter.xml -------------- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <sites> <site> <id>default</id> <url> https://updates.jenkins.io/update-center.json</url > </site> </sites> ### ------------------ Docker ------------- FROM jenkins/jenkins:2.101 environment: - JAVA_OPTS=-Dhudson.Util.useNativeChmodAndM.org=true -Dhudson.Util.symlinkEscapeHatch=true -Dhudson.security.csrf.requestfield=Jenkins-Crumb -Dhttp.proxyHost=http-proxy.custom.company.org -Dhttp.proxyPort=3128 - JENKINS_OPT="--logfile=/var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log" - http_proxy= http://http-proxy.custom.company.org:3128 - HTTP_PROXY= http://http-proxy.custom.company.org:3128 - https_proxy= http://https-proxy.custom.company.org:3128 - HTTPS_PROXY= http://https-proxy.custom.company.org:3128 ### ------------------ Dockerfile -------------- RUN \ COPY ca-company.org.pem $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security cd $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security \ && keytool -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt -trustcacerts -importcert -alias companycert -file ca-company.org.pem
Updatecenter doesn't get update informations about plugins. No logging of any kind.
Opening up the extended settings and test connection: success.
We tested this URLs:
Both succeded.
Now we try to update the "Updates" list:
It shows: Checking Updates... Go back to update center
While we wait we checked
- tcpdump: no traffic to / from the proxy. checked both in the docker container, on the host machine.
- proxyserver: nothing logged
- logger: nothing not even a try
What happens when we choose an available Plugin that isn't installed yet
Tag it, snag it, bag it. Works like a charm
- tcpdump: happy talking through the proxy with the internet
- proxyserver: nothing logged
- logger: We see the entries stating what plugin was installed
Help.... Ideas needed.
How can I get more log information? The Defaultlogs doesn't output anything.
Last time this worked was around version 2.86.
I did not find an actual issue here.
Issue JENKINS-45235 isn't a match here, because ther is absolutly no traffic going out.
Kind Regards
Workaround without using the updatecenter
After jenkins restart and waiting a while, jenkins picked up the ne default.js
Updating the plugins within the gui wasn't a problem.
However, using the updatecenter function to gather a new json, still silently fails. Without any notice / log.