Resolution: Unresolved
Plugin version :: 1.026
Jenkins version :: 2.32.3
I have installed Poll-mailbox-trigger-plugin on my jenkins server. we also have a mail server ( MS-Exchange).
ISSUE :: some time i have noticed that the plugin not able to read the mail even though there are unread mail present in the mail box but it's able to connect to the server at same time.
i found similar issue when i searched https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-32966 and taken care the configuration of poll-mailbox plugin.
Note - mostly i noticed this happens in the morning. it never fails once it start working. i tried 3 PM to 11:50 PM and it worked fine but next morning again it started failing to read.
Doubt - does the polling-plugin compare the time stamp of jenkins server where the plugin install and the mail-server ?
Configuration and the log are attached. Polling time is 2 min.
[Poll Mailbox Trigger] - Connected!
Found properties:
- [attachments:IGNORE]
- [folder:INBOX]
- [host:mail.xyz.com]
- [mail.debug:true]
- [mail.debug.auth:true]
- [mail.imap.ssl.enable:true]
- [mail.imap.starttls.enable:true]
- [mail.imaps.host:mail.xyz.com]
- [mail.imaps.port:993]
- [password:***]
- [receivedXMinutesAgo:120]
- [storeName:imaps]
- [subjectContains:Trigger TESTMAIL]
- [username:runplv@xyz.com]
Connected to mailbox. Searching for messages where: - [flag is unread]
- [subject contains 'Trigger TESTMAIL']