Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 2.46.3 p4 plugin 1.8.4
When we have jobs queued for a slave and the slave bcomes free we may hvae jobs 1-5 queued if jenkins starts to run job 2 whilst 1 is queued it will start but gets to the P4 task save changes then goes no further it does not timeout or stop but blocks the slave.
To unblocj it we have to kill the quesued job 1 and then 2 will continue to run correctly.
As we have a large number of tests to run this is causing us major problems and we are losing test data as w have to kill testsuite runs to get some results through.
Example of the log below
08:13:14 P4 Task: syncing files at change: 373809
... p4 sync -parallel=threads=4,min=1,minsize=1024 -q c:\jenkins2\workspace_atf_atf__
08:13:14 duration: (73ms)
08:13:14 P4 Task: saving built changes.
08:42:48 No previous build found...
... p4 client o jenkins-TEST-gb-mlb-dt-011-SIT_atf_atf-int-mlb-MAT2-tester-L1PHY_LAR__ +
... p4 info +
08:42:48 ... done
At 08.42 I aborted the previous queued job
Hi rob_squire. I have seen some personal emails between you and Paul. Is this now resolved or is it still a problem?