Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 2.101
Last Changes Plugin 2.6
I'd like to see git changes in all 3 projects PIPELINE_PROJECT, FOO_PROJECT and BAR_PROJECT under the link workspace/<build_number>/last-changes/.
However, I see only the change in the first repo PIPELINE_PROJECT. Nevertheless, the links themselves contain right info about commits in all 3 repos. As you can see, all commit ids are different.
// Last changes from revision f566cf1 to d1e91ab published successfully!
Last changes from revision 5d837fd to 4ea9b64 published successfully!
Last changes from revision 1e840f9 to e53ecf8 published successfully!
This is my Jenkinsfile
//node(JENKINS_NODE) { try { stage('Checkout repos') { echo '\n========== Checking out required repositories ==========\n' DEPENDENCY_REPOS = [ [ project: PIPELINE_PROJECT, branch: PIPELINE_BRANCH, relativeTargetDir: '.', ], [ project: FOO_PROJECT, branch: FOO_BRANCH, relativeTargetDir: 'sync_folders/foo_project', ], [ project: BAR_PROJECT, branch: BAR_BRANCH, relativeTargetDir: 'sync_folders/bar_project', ], ] GERRIT_URL = 'gerrit_url' GITLAB_URL = 'gitlab_url' CREDENTIALSID = 'id' for ( repo in DEPENDENCY_REPOS ) { repo_name = repo['project'].tokenize('/')[-1] repo_settings = [ $class: 'GitSCM', branches: null, doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [ [ $class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: repo['relativeTargetDir'] ], [$class: 'WipeWorkspace'] ], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [ [ credentialsId: CREDENTIALSID ] ] ] if (params.GERRIT_CHANGE_ID && GERRIT_PROJECT.tokenize('/')[-1] == repo_name) { // build triggered by Gerrit -> use code from Gerrit repo_settings['branches'] = [[name: GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION]] repo_settings['userRemoteConfigs'][0]['refspec'] = GERRIT_REFSPEC repo_settings['userRemoteConfigs'][0]['url'] = "${GERRIT_URL}/${GERRIT_PROJECT}.git" } else { // build not triggered by Gerrit -> use code from GitLab repo_settings['branches'] = [[name: repo['branch']]] repo_settings['userRemoteConfigs'][0]['url'] = "${GITLAB_URL}:${repo['project']}.git" } checkout(repo_settings) lastChanges since:'LAST_SUCCESSFUL_BUILD', vcsDir:repo['relativeTargetDir'] } } } catch(err) { echo "Caught: ${err}" currentBuild.result = 'Failure' } // load actual Jenkinsfile from pipeline repo load 'Jenkinsfile' }
Hi anastasiiavlaskina,
sorry for the delay on replying.
One way to solve your problem I can think now is to send the diff of each repo as an email attachment because the plugin was not designed to work with multiple repositories. Following is an example of how to send the diff as email (taken from plugin docs):
You'll need email ext plugin installed.
I hope it helps.