The process will pending when license windows prompt in background.
Reproduce Steps:
1.create a job.
2.add "handle Windows Batch Command" in the "build" region.
fit -h
3. Job building begging, and you will see the issue.
This is the build log.
D:\Jenkins\workspace\temp>Fit -h =============================================================================== Intel (R) Flash Image Tool. Version: Copyright (c) 2013 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. 3/08/2018 - 6:03:33 銝? =============================================================================== fit.exe [-exp] [-h|?] [-version|ver] [-b] [-o] [-f] [-rombypass] [-sku] [-me] [-bios] [-gbe] [-pdr] [-ec] [-fp10gbe] [-fp10gbe_ui] [-w] [-s] [-d] [-u1] [-u2] [-u3] [-i] [-flashcount] [-flashsize1] [-flashsize2] [-save] -exp Displays example usage of this tool. -h|? Displays help screen. -version|ver Displays version of the tool. -b Build the flash image. -o<filename> Overrides the output file path. -f<filename> Specifies input file. XML, full image binary, or ME only binary. -rombypass<true|false> Overrides the ROM bypass setting in the XML file. -sku<value> Sets the SKU type to use. -me<file> Overrides the binary source file for the ME region. -bios<file> Overrides the binary source file for the BIOS region. -gbe<file> Overrides the binary source file for the GbE region. -pdr<file> Overrides the binary source file for the PDR region. -ec<file> Overrides the binary source file for the EC region. -fp10gbe<file> Overrides the binary source file for the Fort Park GbE Region. -fp10gbe_ui<file> Overrides the binary source file for the Fort Park Uplink Init. Region. -w<path> Overrides the $WorkingDir environment variable. -s<path> Overrides the $SourceDir environment variable. -d<path> Overrides the $DestDir environment variable. -u1<value> Overrides the $UserVar1 environment variable. -u2<value> Overrides the $UserVar2 environment variable. -u3<value> Overrides the $UserVar3 environment variable. -i<enable|disable> Overrides the intermediate file generation. -flashcount<0-2> Overrides the number of flash components. -flashsize1<0-7> Overrides the size of the 1st flash component (0=512KB, 1=1MB, 2=2MB, 3=4MB, 4=8MB, 5=16MB, 6=32MB, 7=64MB). -flashsize2<0-7> Overrides the size of the 2nd flash component (0=512KB, 1=1MB, 2=2MB, 3=4MB, 4=8MB, 5=16MB, 6=32MB, 7=64MB). -save<file> Saves the XML file. Build timed out (after 60 minutes). Marking the build as aborted. 建置已中斷 Finished: ABORTED
It can be fixed by myself /w registry.