Resolution: Duplicate
Jenkins ver. 2.110
ace-editor 1.1
analysis-core 1.95
ansicolor 0.5.2
ant 1.8
antisamy-markup-formatter 1.5
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api 4.5.3-2.1
authentication-tokens 1.3
blueocean 1.4.2
blueocean-autofavorite 1.2.2
blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline 1.4.2
blueocean-commons 1.4.2
blueocean-config 1.4.2
blueocean-core-js 1.4.2
blueocean-dashboard 1.4.2
blueocean-display-url 2.2.0
blueocean-events 1.4.2
blueocean-git-pipeline 1.4.2
blueocean-github-pipeline 1.4.2
blueocean-i18n 1.4.2
blueocean-jira 1.4.2
blueocean-jwt 1.4.2
blueocean-personalization 1.4.2
blueocean-pipeline-api-impl 1.4.2
blueocean-pipeline-editor 1.4.2
blueocean-pipeline-scm-api 1.4.2
blueocean-rest 1.4.2
blueocean-rest-impl 1.4.2
blueocean-web 1.4.2
bouncycastle-api 2.16.2
branch-api 2.0.18
build-environment 1.6
checkstyle 3.50
cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source 2.2.10
cloudbees-folder 6.3
cloudfoundry 2.2.1
clover 4.9.0
cloverphp 0.5
command-launcher 1.2
configurationslicing 1.47
crap4j 0.9
credentials 2.1.16
credentials-binding 1.15
custom-tools-plugin 0.5
cvs 2.14
discard-old-build 1.05
disk-usage 0.28
display-url-api 2.2.0
docker-build-step 2.0
docker-commons 1.11
docker-java-api 3.0.14
docker-plugin 1.1.3
docker-workflow 1.15.1
dry 2.50
durable-task 1.21
email-ext 2.61
embeddable-build-status 1.9
envinject 2.1.5
envinject-api 1.5
extended-choice-parameter 0.76
external-monitor-job 1.7
extra-columns 1.18
favorite 2.3.1
git 3.8.0
git-client 2.7.1
git-server 1.7
github 1.29.0
github-api 1.90
github-branch-source 2.3.2
gradle 1.28
greenballs 1.15
handlebars 1.1.1
handy-uri-templates-2-api 2.1.6-1.0
hipchat 2.1.1
htmlpublisher 1.14
icon-shim 2.0.3
javadoc 1.4
jdepend 1.3.0
jenkins-design-language 1.4.2
jira 2.5.1
jquery 1.12.4-0
jquery-detached 1.2.1
junit 1.24
ldap 1.20
mailer 1.20
matrix-auth 2.2
matrix-project 1.12
maven-plugin 3.1
mercurial 2.3
momentjs 1.1.1
pam-auth 1.3
parameterized-scheduler 0.5
phing 0.13.3
pipeline-build-step 2.7
pipeline-github-lib 1.0
pipeline-graph-analysis 1.6
pipeline-input-step 2.8
pipeline-milestone-step 1.3.1
pipeline-model-api 1.2.7
pipeline-model-declarative-agent 1.1.1
pipeline-model-definition 1.2.7
pipeline-model-extensions 1.2.7
pipeline-rest-api 2.9
pipeline-stage-step 2.3
pipeline-stage-tags-metadata 1.2.7
pipeline-stage-view 2.9
plain-credentials 1.4
plot 2.0.3
pmd 3.50
pubsub-light 1.12
rake 1.8.0
resource-disposer 0.8
saml 1.0.5
scm-api 2.2.6
script-security 1.41
simple-theme-plugin 0.4
skip-certificate-check 1.0
sonar 2.6.1
sse-gateway 1.15
ssh-agent 1.15
ssh-credentials 1.13
ssh-slaves 1.26
stashNotifier 1.13
structs 1.14
subversion 2.10.3
thinBackup 1.9
timestamper 1.8.9
token-macro 2.3
translation 1.16
variant 1.1
violation-comments-to-stash 1.70
violations 0.7.11
windows-slaves 1.3.1
workflow-aggregator 2.5
workflow-api 2.26
workflow-basic-steps 2.6
workflow-cps 2.45
workflow-cps-global-lib 2.9
workflow-durable-task-step 2.19
workflow-job 2.17
workflow-multibranch 2.17
workflow-scm-step 2.6
workflow-step-api 2.14
workflow-support 2.18
ws-cleanup 0.34
xunit 1.102Jenkins ver. 2.110 Plugins ace-editor 1.1 analysis-core 1.95 ansicolor 0.5.2 ant 1.8 antisamy-markup-formatter 1.5 apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api 4.5.3-2.1 authentication-tokens 1.3 blueocean 1.4.2 blueocean-autofavorite 1.2.2 blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline 1.4.2 blueocean-commons 1.4.2 blueocean-config 1.4.2 blueocean-core-js 1.4.2 blueocean-dashboard 1.4.2 blueocean-display-url 2.2.0 blueocean-events 1.4.2 blueocean-git-pipeline 1.4.2 blueocean-github-pipeline 1.4.2 blueocean-i18n 1.4.2 blueocean-jira 1.4.2 blueocean-jwt 1.4.2 blueocean-personalization 1.4.2 blueocean-pipeline-api-impl 1.4.2 blueocean-pipeline-editor 1.4.2 blueocean-pipeline-scm-api 1.4.2 blueocean-rest 1.4.2 blueocean-rest-impl 1.4.2 blueocean-web 1.4.2 bouncycastle-api 2.16.2 branch-api 2.0.18 build-environment 1.6 checkstyle 3.50 cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source 2.2.10 cloudbees-folder 6.3 cloudfoundry 2.2.1 clover 4.9.0 cloverphp 0.5 command-launcher 1.2 configurationslicing 1.47 crap4j 0.9 credentials 2.1.16 credentials-binding 1.15 custom-tools-plugin 0.5 cvs 2.14 discard-old-build 1.05 disk-usage 0.28 display-url-api 2.2.0 docker-build-step 2.0 docker-commons 1.11 docker-java-api 3.0.14 docker-plugin 1.1.3 docker-workflow 1.15.1 dry 2.50 durable-task 1.21 email-ext 2.61 embeddable-build-status 1.9 envinject 2.1.5 envinject-api 1.5 extended-choice-parameter 0.76 external-monitor-job 1.7 extra-columns 1.18 favorite 2.3.1 git 3.8.0 git-client 2.7.1 git-server 1.7 github 1.29.0 github-api 1.90 github-branch-source 2.3.2 gradle 1.28 greenballs 1.15 handlebars 1.1.1 handy-uri-templates-2-api 2.1.6-1.0 hipchat 2.1.1 htmlpublisher 1.14 icon-shim 2.0.3 jackson2-api javadoc 1.4 jdepend 1.3.0 jenkins-design-language 1.4.2 jira 2.5.1 jquery 1.12.4-0 jquery-detached 1.2.1 jsch junit 1.24 ldap 1.20 mailer 1.20 mapdb-api matrix-auth 2.2 matrix-project 1.12 maven-plugin 3.1 mercurial 2.3 metrics momentjs 1.1.1 pam-auth 1.3 parameterized-scheduler 0.5 phing 0.13.3 pipeline-build-step 2.7 pipeline-github-lib 1.0 pipeline-graph-analysis 1.6 pipeline-input-step 2.8 pipeline-milestone-step 1.3.1 pipeline-model-api 1.2.7 pipeline-model-declarative-agent 1.1.1 pipeline-model-definition 1.2.7 pipeline-model-extensions 1.2.7 pipeline-rest-api 2.9 pipeline-stage-step 2.3 pipeline-stage-tags-metadata 1.2.7 pipeline-stage-view 2.9 plain-credentials 1.4 plot 2.0.3 pmd 3.50 pubsub-light 1.12 rake 1.8.0 resource-disposer 0.8 saml 1.0.5 scm-api 2.2.6 scm-sync-configuration script-security 1.41 simple-theme-plugin 0.4 skip-certificate-check 1.0 sonar 2.6.1 sse-gateway 1.15 ssh-agent 1.15 ssh-credentials 1.13 ssh-slaves 1.26 stashNotifier 1.13 structs 1.14 subversion 2.10.3 thinBackup 1.9 timestamper 1.8.9 token-macro 2.3 translation 1.16 variant 1.1 violation-comments-to-stash 1.70 violations 0.7.11 windows-slaves 1.3.1 workflow-aggregator 2.5 workflow-api 2.26 workflow-basic-steps 2.6 workflow-cps 2.45 workflow-cps-global-lib 2.9 workflow-durable-task-step 2.19 workflow-job 2.17 workflow-multibranch 2.17 workflow-scm-step 2.6 workflow-step-api 2.14 workflow-support 2.18 ws-cleanup 0.34 xunit 1.102
I cannot get the Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin to properly initialize. Whenever I go to create a new Bitbucket Team job or edit one of our existing ones, none of the values initialize.
Server just returns "https://bitbucket.org"
All behaviors return just an ID number for the Strategy.
I can't find anything in the logs. I have no idea what could be causing this. I tried recreating the configuration XML, but it didn't make any difference.
I've also tested inside of a fresh install with just the default plugins and Blue Ocean. The same situation occurs.
- duplicates
JENKINS-49968 Core 2.110 is unable to select a branch source via the server dropdown
- Resolved