Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins version: 2.73.3
OS: Debian Stable (9)
Java version: openjdk-8-jdk:amd64 (8u162-b12-1~deb9u1)
Installed from https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable
Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin: 2.2.10
I'm trying to create a Job of type "Multibranch" with a Bitbucket repository owned by a User. I have a user that has read permissions over the repository, but I'm currently facing the following issues:
1) If using 'owner' (without the tilde) Jenkins complains not Finding the owner
2) If using '~owner' (as suggested by doc) Jenkins create an exception about cache an show the attached exception, showing that the URL being used to retrieve the repositories is some how not correct 'https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/~owner?role=contributor&page=1&pagelen=50'
If I use this URL in Postman I get a 404 response, but if I change the ~owner to owner then I get an empty response (because it's being filtered by contributor), but since the user is read-only, if a remove contributor in the request then I get the repositories for which the user has access to. I understand that this could be happening sine 2.2.8 because of -- and -JENKINS-48084- but unfortunately another Admin has been applying updates so I'm unable to keep track if this wasn't happening on a previous version or not (or to rollback for the time being). Will try to create a new instance with a previous version to 2.2.8 to see if that fixes the issue.JENKINS-45836