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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-50294

Design (JEP) Essentials Instance Client Health Checking

    • Evergreen - Milestone 1

      For Jenkins Essentials, we are going to very often need to determine how healthy a Jenkins instance is. 

      At least for the data Snapshotting/rollback (JENKINS-49406), we will need to quickly decide if we trigger a rollback or not. 

      The health is probably going to be a mix of several aspects, among others, for instance:

      • is Jenkins answering
      • are there (more) warning, or error logs than usual? Overall, did the amount of logs explode?
      • can a build run?
      • ...

      We need to think carefully about that I think, and write the associated JEP for review/feedback.

          [JENKINS-50294] Design (JEP) Essentials Instance Client Health Checking

          Baptiste Mathus added a comment - - edited


          Demo that checking the HTTP status code of the /login URL, and configuring the metrics plugin to expose a jenkinsURL/metrics/evergreen/health-check URL are doable.

          Baptiste Mathus added a comment - - edited https://github.com/jenkins-infra/evergreen/pull/44 Demo that checking the HTTP status code of the /login URL, and configuring the metrics plugin to expose a jenkinsURL/metrics/evergreen/health-check URL are doable.

          So I have tried a bit configuring the equivalent of the metrics XML file using CasC to no avail. So I filed https://github.com/jenkinsci/configuration-as-code-plugin/issues/169 to get feedback from the plugin developers to save some cycles (either it's possible, and they'll tell me what I missed, or it's not and I guess we'll work together to have the metrics plugin supported by casc).

          Baptiste Mathus added a comment - So I have tried a bit configuring the equivalent of the metrics XML file using CasC to no avail. So I filed https://github.com/jenkinsci/configuration-as-code-plugin/issues/169  to get feedback from the plugin developers to save some cycles (either it's possible, and they'll tell me what I missed, or it's not and I guess we'll work together to have the metrics plugin supported by casc).

          Jesse Glick added a comment -

          Note that there is a PR for a new login URL.

          Jesse Glick added a comment - Note that there is a PR for a new login URL.

          Baptiste Mathus added a comment - Early draft review thread on the developer ML : https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!topic/jenkinsci-dev/9YNUJyE5WGE

          Baptiste Mathus added a comment - JEP draft submitted as https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/pull/91

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: Baptiste Mathus
          JENKINS-50294 Essentials Instance Client Health Checking

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: Baptiste Mathus Path: jep/0000/README.adoc http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/jep/958d5d2d7f8f1842e0bf8a06141e164010a7c11a Log: JENKINS-50294 Essentials Instance Client Health Checking

          Code changed in jenkins
          User: R. Tyler Croy
          Merge pull request #91 from batmat/JENKINS-50294

          JENKINS-50294 Essentials Instance Client Health Checking

          Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/compare/b5d8196d8d9b...d5c75cbae70a

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in jenkins User: R. Tyler Croy Path: jep/306/README.adoc jep/README.adoc http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/jep/d5c75cbae70a18055486f8550ec39cb9fa5cae4f Log: Merge pull request #91 from batmat/ JENKINS-50294 JENKINS-50294 Essentials Instance Client Health Checking Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/compare/b5d8196d8d9b...d5c75cbae70a

          See JENKINS-50958 for usage of this

          Baptiste Mathus added a comment - See JENKINS-50958 for usage of this

            batmat Baptiste Mathus
            batmat Baptiste Mathus
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