New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Builds triggered via https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/CloudBees+Docker+Hub+Notification at the moment display a question mark with the alt text "Triggered by push of ... to DockerHub@..."
The text is a good workaround to understand the trigger, a badge could be helpful to see it at a glance.
giorgiosironi sorry, I forgot about this one.
Could you pretty please provide the associated classname for that cause?
See https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Build+Trigger+Badge+Plugin doc to see how to.
Basically using https://yourjenkinsserver/job/somejob/15/api/xml?xpath=//cause&wrapper=causes_ and providing the output would help do this very easily.
it's a action that should be matter of seconds if you can access your instance.
Thank you!