Resolution: Unresolved
Linux RHEL 7 3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64
Jenkins 2.89.2
Pipeline-maven-plugin 3.5.2
Pipeline-plugin 2.5
Maven 3.5.2
Java 1.8.0_112-b15 (x86_64)
Given a project foo based on a maven multi-module approach with a groupid/artifactid/version (GAV) : foo:par:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT and ** with (at least) one submodule :
- foo:elem1:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
And a project bar based also on a maven multi-module approach with a GAV : bar:par:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT and ** with (at least) one submodule :
- bar:elem1:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT that depends on foo:elem1:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Two Multibranch pipeline jobs based on each of this projects based one the same Jenkinsfile with such step :
withMaven(maven: 'maven-3.5.2', options: [pipelineGraphPublisher(includeReleaseVersions: true)]) { sh "mvn clean deploy" }
If we're triggering a run job for project foo it won't trigger the build of bar project
In the bar project the Maven "Downstream Jobs" section is empty
In the bar project the Maven "Upstream Builds" section is empty
Thanks a lot for your help or any insight !
Can you please tell us if "foo:elem1:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" appears in