Resolution: Won't Fix
Linux, Ubuntu 16 LTS
Jenkins 2.107.2
postbuildscript plugin 2.6.0
Jenkins setup is master plus a bunch of slaves
- Master node has no label verify
- All slaves have label verify
Job (jjb attached below) is three parts:
- pre-part to run only in master (using wrappers/env-script)
- Then different parts running in slaves as part of a matrix and copy their build output back to master with a postbuildscript / copy-to-master
- postbuildscript to postprocess the data in master
I cannot get step 3 to work, with seemingly all the values set correctly. Step (3) is never executed in master (nor in the slaves).
I can only get it to work if I label the master as verify, then the step (1) will run there, maybe a (2) slave and then immediately (3). However, this does not work (among other things) because I need all the build products of all (2) phases in the master before (3) runs.
JJB with jenkins-jobs 2.0.5-16-g82f2ab44 from https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder (needed for wrappers/env-script/run-only-on-parent to work):
- project: name: prj1 jobs: - job-fake-{param_prj_name}: param_prj_name: prj1 - job-template: id: job-fake-{param_prj_name} name: fake-{param_prj_name} concurrent: false # Need to run on master to get all the stuff from the raw builds node: master project-type: matrix axes: # Run with each toolchain - axis: type: user-defined name: AXIS1 values: - 1a - 1b - axis: type: user-defined name: AXIS2 values: - 2a - 2b - axis: type: slave name: LABEL values: - verify logrotate: numToKeep: 2 artifactNumToKeep: 10 wrappers: - env-script: # Run this only on parent to generate a unique RUNID for # the whole job run-only-on-parent: true only-run-on-parent: true script-type: unix-script script-content: | echo $(TZ=US/Pacific date +%y%m%d-%H%M) > yymmdd_hhmm.txt echo PROP_YYMMDD_HHMM=$(cat yymmdd_hhmm.txt) echo DEBUG_the_prescript_is_running_in=$NODE_NAME builders: # The builders are supposed to be running on the slaves - inject: properties-file: /etc/environment properties-content: | RUNID: ci-${{PROP_YYMMDD_HHMM}}-$BUILD_NUMBER - shell: | echo "$NODE_NAME: running BUILD script $RUNID ($AXIS1 $AXIS2 $LABEL)" echo $AXIS1 $AXIS2 $LABEL > build-$SHARD-$ZEPHYR_GCC_VARIANT publishers: - copy-to-master: includes: # copy all the build output to the master for # post-processing from the slaves - build-* - archive: artifacts: build-* allow-empty: true only-if-success: false - postbuildscript: builders: - role: MASTER # if aborted, do not run it build-on: - SUCCESS - FAILURE - UNSTABLE build-steps: - shell: | # postprocess the output of all the slaves ls -l build-* echo $NODE_NAME: running POSTBUILD script runid $RUNID
Thanks for your bug report and sorry for responding so late.
For matrix jobs you need to use the MatrixPostBuildScript. The resulting publishers section in the config.xml must look like this:
Important is the "executeOn" section, that is only available for the MatrixPostBuildScript.
It takes more time for me to install additional tools to create the jobs. Would you please just provide me the config.xml of the job?
Please try the newest version. There were some problems with failing build steps.