Resolution: Unresolved
Official Jenkins Container (on AWS ECS)
Jenkins 2.89.4
Pipeline: Declarative 1.2.8,
I have a multibranch declarative pipeline with a pollSCM trigger to poll every 2 minutes. Whenever there is a change to the branch in BitBucket it triggers correctly but about 2 minutes later it triggers again. I'm not sure if this is a bug or some configuration error on my behalf.
I've attached a screenshot of the duplicate builds and poll log for one of the duplicate builds. Below is the top of my declarative pipeline for reference to how I am setting it up.
pipeline { agent none environment { APPVERSION = '0.1.0' NUGET_API_KEY = credentials('build-server-nuget-id-readonly') } triggers { // poll repo every 2 minute for changes pollSCM('*/2 * * * *') } options { // add timestamps to output timestamps() overrideIndexTriggers(false) buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '10')) skipStagesAfterUnstable() durabilityHint('PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED') } ... }
markewaite abayer the build does not complete in less then 2 minutes.
Excuse me if I have misunderstood how this feature is meant to work but I am assuming that when a scan runs and it detects a new commit, it triggers a build for the commit and records the commit hash as being triggered/seen. 2 minutes later it scans again if no new commits nothing happens, however if there is a new commit is triggers for that commit.
From Mark's comment it sounds like the build has to be finished before the next poll.
If there is any other information I can provide to get to the bottom of this, please let me know.