Hey, Caitlyn and Aashish Rajguru, I'm trying to test out the workaround
I downloaded the git repo from https://github.com/jenkinsci/JiraTestResultReporter-plugin and I ran mvn hpi:hpi and it successfully created the hpi file, i then imported it into jenkins via jenkins plugin gui(located in advanced tab) and set up the JiraTest parameters in the settings
Do you have an example of the code that works to run this plugin in a pipeline? I've tried the code below and it gets an unable to initialize object error
junit (
testResults: '*/surefire-reports/.xml',
testDataPublishers: [
[$class: 'JiraTestDataPublisher',
configs: [
[$class: 'StringFields', fieldKey: 'Summary', value: 'Test Summary'],
[$class: 'StringFields', fieldKey: 'Description', value: 'Test description.'],
projectKey: 'NTS',
issueType: '1',
autoRaiseIssue: true,
autoResolveIssue: false,
autoUnlinkIssue: false,
Hi Catalin,
With JDK version 8 it is working fine. I was trying to compile it with JDK version 10.