Resolution: Unresolved
2.122 on OpenJDK 1.8.0_151-b12, Linux
Noticed a minor (and very unimportant) glitch as a result of .JENKINS-51447
After previously failing to download 2.123, and then manually triggering an update check, the error popup now reads "Upgrade to Jenkins 2.124 failed: Failed to download from http://updates.jenkins-ci.org/download/war/2.123/jenkins.war (redirected to: http://mirrors.jenkins-ci.org/war/2.123/jenkins.war)." (Note the version mismatch between the message and the URL - they matched before the 2.124 update was detected).
Triggering the retry correctly downloads the newly released 2.124.
(The above was starting from an existing 2.122 installation).
- duplicates
JENKINS-51447 Unable to download 2.123 war to upgrade Jenkins
- Resolved
2.123 release has been corrupted due to the release flow issue, see
JENKINS-51447.Now it is fixed in the out-of-order 2.124 release, so it should not impact users anymore.