Resolution: Fixed
Blue Ocean - 1.6 - beta 4
Use case a new method without @Exported annotation to avoid heavy calculation per default.
@Navigable public abstract Container<BlueTestSummary> getTestSummaryContainer();
The generated link is
"testsummarycontainer" : { "_class" : "io.jenkins.blueocean.rest.hal.Link", "href" : "/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/jetty.project/branches/PR-2512/runs/4/testsummarycontainer/" }
But in order to work the rest call need to be:
Otherwise method not found.
- change Links#getPathFromMethodName to remove the toLowercase for the whole name and force lower case only first character for camel case purpose
- add attribute name in @Navigable so we use something similar to @Exported
I'm voting 2 to keep backward compat as 1 may change few method names
- is blocking
JENKINS-45614 Activity tab is really slow
- Closed