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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-51750

Config file provider doesn't always copy file to pipeline


      I have several pipelines depending on a config file to be injected by the plugin using its fileId.

      Inside the pipeline I copy and use the injected config file by its name, which is `.env`.

      However, I noticed that sometimes, in high probability, the file isn't copied into the workspace.

      I print the workspace files and specifically check for the `.env` file in the beginning of the pipeline, and sometimes the file is just not copied there, even though in all those times the plugin prints that it has copied the file to the correct path.


      I'm using the latest release of this plugin.

      I thought it might be related to the fact the file starts with a dot, but even without it the problem still occurs.


      The result is that I have to build every pipeline project several times until the file successfully copied into workspace.

            domi Dominik Bartholdi
            aviadm Aviad M
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            3 Start watching this issue
