Resolution: Fixed
docker jenkins/jenkins:lts
When using a cmake that is installed from an archive, the paths for cmake/ctest/cpack are wrong.
I am using a local build of cmake with the same file structure as the cmake.org archives - contains cmake-blah-version-os-arch/bin/cmake. To illustrate this problem, the example uses the cmake.org archive urls.
- run jenkins/jenkins:lts, install common plugins plus Cmake
- on configureTools define cmake instance 'cmake-org':
- use install 'Extract .zip/.tar.gz'
- url of archive on cmake.org (https://cmake.org/files/v3.11/cmake-3.11.3-win64-x64.zip)
- Subdirectory of extracted archive 'cmake-3.11.3-win64-x64/bin'
- create pipeline job:
node('cmake&&win64'){ bat 'type NUL 1>CMakeLists.txt' // "IOException workspace doesn't exist" def cmakeTool = tool 'cmake-org' echo "tool says ${cmakeTool}" cmake arguments: '-V', installation: 'cmake-org' }
The paths are wrong:
- The 'tool' step gives the dirname(cmake)
- 'cmake' step tries to exec "<jenkinshome>/jenkins\tools\hudson.plugins.cmake.CmakeTool\cmake-org\cmake-3.11.3-win64-x64\cmake -V" - 'bin/' is missing
- dirname(cmake) is not added to PATH - not sure if this is expected