Resolution: Fixed
Centos7, Jenkins 2.121.1, Badge 1.5
An earlier instance of Jenkins running on 2.89.4 with Badge 1.2 was running fine. Multiple ShortText labels created from Badge plugin via Groovy PostBuild wrapped nicely in the Build History pane in multi-line.
The ShortText labels are used to bring out important build parameters. Thus, this issue had caused a major lost of functionality.
A new instance of Jenkins server with 2.121.1 and Badge 1.5 rendered the ShortText labels in a single line in the Build History pane.
Comparing the rendered html showed that the rendered html in the new Jenkins is using single-line class and the text label has "display:inline;" added to its style. Manually reverting both solved the issue.
<tr page-entry-id="-9223372036854775797" class="build-row single-line overflow-checked"><td class="build-row-cell"><div class="pane build-name" style="height: 21px;"><div class="build-icon"><a href="/job/jason.staging/11/console" class="build-status-link"><img src="/static/47928b75/images/16x16/blue.png" alt="Success > Console Output" tooltip="Success > Console Output" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; " class="icon-blue icon-sm" title="Success > Console Output"></a></div><a update-parent-class=".build-row" href="/job/jason.staging/11/" class="tip model-link inside build-link display-name zws-inserted">#11 </a></div><div time="1530355732848" class="pane build-details" style="height: 21px;"><a update-parent-class=".build-row" href="/job/jason.staging/11/" class="tip model-link inside build-link">Jun 30, 2018 6:48 PM</a></div><div class="pane build-controls"><div class="middle-align build-badge" style="width: 100%;"> <span style="_display:inline;_padding:1px;border:1px solid #C0C000;margin:0px;background:#FFFF00;color:#000000">awwwwwaa</span>
... truncated....
Can you please provide more information (attached html, screenshot, ...) to allow me to verify your issue.