Resolution: Duplicate
It should be possible to updaload test execution test from a Jenkinsfile to HP ALM as the post action "Upload test result to ALM" does in free style jobs.
An invocation example could be like this:
// ... post { always { junit testResults: '**/target/*-reports/TEST-*.xml', allowEmptyResults: true step ([$class: 'TestResultToALMUploader', almServerName: 'HP ALM Server', //almServerName credentialsId: 'ALM-CREDENTIALS', almDomain: 'ALMDomain', // almDomain almProject: 'AlmProject', //almProject, testingFramework: 'JUnit', //testingFramework testingTool: '', //testingTool almTestFolder: 'TestHPALM', //almTestFolder almTestSetFolder: 'TestHPALM', //almTestSetFolder almTimeout: '-1', //almTimeout testingResultFile: "**/junitResult.xml", //testingResultFile jenkinsServerUrl: '' //jenkinsServerUrl ]) } }
- links to
roy_lu, There is a PR for this enhancement, what is your opinion on this?