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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-52803

IBM Application Security on Cloud plugin does not currently allow for third party code to be scanned


      I get the following message when trying to scan code on our jenkins server using the plugin mentioned above:

      Static Analyzer has determined that you are only scanning third party code. To enable the scanning of third party code, regenerate the IRX file using the --thirdParty option.

      ERROR: Failed to run the security scan: Problems occurred generating the IRX file. See /home/ibmadmin/rpcatal/Spark-DK/core/SparkyScan_2018-07-27_15-37-04_logs.zip for details.
      Finished: FAILURE


      Since this --thirdparty command is to be issued on the command line before the IRX file is generated, I have no way of doing this. There should be an option, like a checkbox or something in the build step for this plugin that allows you to specify whether or not the code is third party so the code scan can run.

            kevinfealey Kevin Fealey
            robcatalano77 Robert Catalano
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
