Resolution: Not A Defect
jenkins is on windows 7,
ssh server(FreeSSHd as a service) and tomcat is on windows server 2008 x64
I write in the section "Exec command" of the Publish Over SSH Plugin:
cmd /c call C:\sftp\myscript.bat $BUILD_NUMBER
The content of the file myscript.bat is as follow:
Echo ---------begin--------
Echo shutdown tomcat(use port 8080)
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "delims= tokens=1" %%i in ('netstat -aon ^| findstr "8080"') do (
set a=%%i
goto js
taskkill /f /pid "Unable to render embedded object: File (~71,5) not found."
Echo startup tomcat
@echo off
cd C:\software\apache-tomcat-6.0.39\bin
call startup.bat
Echo ---------end--------
issue reproduced as follow steps:
1.jenkins execute myscript.bat file successfully.
2.log on the windows server 2008 machine which the ssh server & tomcat is on.
3.i find a window is prompt,this window is "Interactive Services Detection"
4.i don't know why this window is pop up,can you give me suggestion?i also attach 3 images to explain this question.
This is not a bug, please read the following blog for information about this popup.