• Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • blueocean-plugin
    • None
    • Blue Ocean 1.8.2

      We have implemented something called `retryWithPrompt` to avoid sudden failures on long running pipelines like environmental and other known issues. And also we have commands tailing long text before those actually fail, and retries on these steps doesn't guarantee that they would go through this time.

      This is leaving multiple error steps on the same stage and being those very long text when we initially land on that stage the page is too hard to browse, it would be very nice if we can make this configurable or make it default similar to other steps, like in progress step.


      node('LINUX') {
          writeFile file: 'test.sh', text: "for i in {1..500}; do echo -n 'Loop \$i'; date ; sleep 1; done; exit 1"
          waitUntil {
              try {
                  sh 'chmod +x test.sh'
                  sh './test.sh'
                  return true
              catch(e) {
                  println "Error: ${e}"
                  println "StackTrace: ${e.getStackTrace()}"
                  def userInput
                  timeout(900) {
                      userInput = input(id: 'userInput', message: "Retry? or Ignore", parameters: [[$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', choices: "Retry\nIgnore\n", description: 'Select...', name: 'Select...']])
                  echo "User Selected: " + userInput.toString()
                  return userInput == 'Ignore'

      The above code is just an example and which will allow users to retry number of times and error steps are so many in there and those are too long, the default behavior is expanding those lines, which is causing a lot of confusion. appreciate your help.

      Find the attached screenshots. for the sample output. Thanks again for the consideration.

          [JENKINS-53295] error log should be collapsed by default too

          We also have few steps implementing retry on these long running shell scrips, with retryCount of 3 to 4 times, causing the same issue.

          Naresh Rayapati added a comment - We also have few steps implementing retry on these long running shell scrips, with retryCount of 3 to 4 times, causing the same issue.

          kutzi added a comment -

          Yes, please!
          There are many annoying things in the way blue ocean is showing/following the logs, but this is one of the most disturbing ones.

          Another use case: browsing through the previous few failed builds and trying to looks into the artifacts where more info (e.g. log files) is stored.
          On every build blue ocean is 1st scrolling down to show the end of the failed step log and I have to manually scroll up, again, to get to the artifacts tab.

          kutzi added a comment - Yes, please! There are many annoying things in the way blue ocean is showing/following the logs, but this is one of the most disturbing ones. Another use case: browsing through the previous few failed builds and trying to looks into the artifacts where more info (e.g. log files) is stored. On every build blue ocean is 1st scrolling down to show the end of the failed step log and I have to manually scroll up, again, to get to the artifacts tab.

          Same problem here. I also support this feature.

          Simone Gaiarin added a comment - Same problem here. I also support this feature.

          Certainly, having the full error log displayed by default in steps that are being retried is really annoying. It kills all the purpose of the Blue Ocean interface.


          Luis Piedra-Márquez added a comment - Certainly, having the full error log displayed by default in steps that are being retried is really annoying. It kills all the purpose of the Blue Ocean interface.  

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            nrayapati Naresh Rayapati
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