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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-53871

Consider waiting for lock in "timings" and build status overview?


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • The latest and greatest: Jenkins Core 2.144, Lockable Resources Plugin 2.3

      When looking over build history or old builds I saw build durations of e.g. 21min, although I know it typically lasts about 6 to 12min. It turned out that there was a ~8min waiting period for a resource lock...

      The classic UI's "Stage View" actually shows this waiting in small:

      However I was wondering if this should be also reflected here:

      Log snippet:

      [Pipeline] lock
      10:00:30 Trying to acquire lock on [Label: PhpStorm, Quantity: 1]
      10:00:30 Found 0 available resource(s). Waiting for correct amount: 1.
      10:00:30 [Label: PhpStorm, Quantity: 1] is locked, waiting...
      10:08:31 Lock acquired on [Label: PhpStorm, Quantity: 1]
      [Pipeline] {

        1. image-2018-10-02-10-30-50-008.png
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        2. image-2018-10-02-10-29-49-549.png
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        3. image-2018-10-02-10-28-42-364.png
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