We have GUI tests running which are needed a logged in user and that the jenkins instance is running under this logged in instance. Because no service is running the checkbox "Restart Jenkins when installation is complete and no jobs are running" is not available. So please remove this useless text or provide an alternative text.
Is it possible to integrate an alternative way to restart jenkins?
i.e. provide a path to a batch file which will be executed to start jenkins again, when checkbox "Restart Jenkins when installation is complete and no jobs are running" is checked
assign a job which do this, question is here how shutdown can be done
would it work when a child node runs as the logged in user and jenkins it self is running as a service?
> We have GUI tests running which are needed a logged in user and that the jenkins instance is running under this logged in instance. Because no service is running the checkbox "Restart Jenkins when installation is complete and no jobs are running" is not available. So please remove this useless text or provide an alternative tex
It may be a separate UX issue
> Is it possible to integrate an alternative way to restart jenkins?
Maybe you want to start from setting an "interactive" flag in the Windows service settings: https://github.com/kohsuke/winsw/blob/master/doc/xmlConfigFile.md#interactive