Resolution: Fixed
InfluxDB plugin 1.20, Jenkins 2.150
InfluxDB fails to collect Sonarqube data with the following error:
[InfluxDB Plugin] Failed to collect data. Ignoring Exception:net.sf.json.JSONException: A JSONObject text must begin with '{' at character 0 of
I've looked at the code and it seems to be the following issue:
SonarQubePointGenerator.java line 82:
url = build.getEnvironment(listener).get("SONAR_HOST_URL");
On my machine (and at work) this call always results in a null value.
On line 86 the following check is done:
if (url != "") {
this.sonarServer = url;
} else {
this.sonarServer = sonarBuildLink.substring(0,
sonarBuildLink.indexOf("/dashboard/index/" + this.sonarProjectName));
However, null is not equal to "" so this.sonarServer = url is always called. Therefore the data collection doesn't pull through because the endpoint is set at something like:
which isn't a valid url.
Changing if (url != "") to if (url != null && url != "") fixed the issue for me.
Changed if statement to check also null values.