The Jenkins Project has started digging more deeply into what is needed to make Jenkins work on JDK11.
We should see what it takes to make Evergreen work on JDK11 too. It makes much sense because contrary to the usual Jenkins distro, we can easily specific specific plugin versions, where for instance there's only incremental releases but not common-maven type releases.
We most probably want to implement this using a new flavor, like docker-cloud-jdk11 for instance so that we can actually even deploy in production and test it in a normal way without disturbing the other existing flavors. If this proves successful, we can then see how/if we want to propage this to the existing docker-cloud and/or aws-ec2-cloud flavors.
Acceptance criteria:
- A docker-cloud on JDK 11 flavor available for testing using the usual way of starting an Evergreen instance (but using a different Docker image tag) (
- is blocked by
JENKINS-54292 Align/fix the codebase to use flavor everywhere instead of environment
- Resolved
Going to tackle
JENKINS-54292in expedite. Though not technically blocking, it's small enough that it should be done quickly before more people start losing time understanding this "environment" thing.