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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-54632

dsl job doesn't create a build step for Performance Center using Jenkins API


      I set up a new Jenkins server  2.138.1( previous server had Jenkins version 1.7, micro focus plugin 4.0.1)  and installed this plugin version 5.5 to integrate our Load Runner scripts with jenkins. We are using dsl scripts to build all Jenkins jobs. Somehow my dsl job doesn't create a build step for Performance Center anymore and I see no specific error messages anywhere. Maybe url for API changed, or this new version of plugin requires me to update code. On my old server this script works just fine. Here is part of groovy script which isn't working anymore. Other steps related to Bitbucket/scm and post build work okay. I'm attaching groovy  script also


      configure { project ->
      project / builders << {'com.hp.application.automation.tools.run.PcBuilder'(plugin: 'hp-application-automation-tools-plugin@5.5') {
      //{'com.microfocus.application.automation.tools.settings.OctaneServerSettingsBuilder_-OctaneDescriptorImpl'(plugin: 'hp-application-automation-tools-plugin@5.5') {

      'pcModel' {
      'pcServerName' 'server'
      'almUserName' 'jenkinsACA'
      //'almPassword' 'adpaca'

      { // '__secret' 'SVgLEvbkajdZLrVegImgVQ==' //}


      { '__secret' 'Dsr90dh/+d6p3F8Mi5p4897Scnz/rUOsGF8TEsxzRxI=' }

      'almDomain' 'NAS'
      'almProject' 'ACA'
      'testId' test.testId
      'testInstanceId' test.testInstanceId

      { 'Hours' test.hours 'Minutes' test.minutes }

      'postRunAction' 'COLLATE_AND_ANALYZE'
      'vudsMode' 'false'
      delegate.description test.description
      'statusBySLA' 'false'
      'runId' 0

        1. used_dsl_script.txt
          2 kB
          Daniel Danan
        2. seed_interactive.groovy
          5 kB
          Eduard Karlin
        3. running job.png
          55 kB
          Daniel Danan
        4. pipeline_syntax.png
          73 kB
          Daniel Danan
        5. image-2018-12-06-16-47-20-776.png
          76 kB
          Eduard Karlin
        6. configuring dsl script.png
          116 kB
          Daniel Danan
        7. Configuration of scenario 1 job created by DSL script.png
          71 kB
          Daniel Danan
        8. additional jobs created.png
          221 kB
          Daniel Danan

            danieldanan Daniel Danan
            edkarlin Eduard Karlin
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
