Resolution: Fixed
Evergreen - Milestone 2
Problem statement
We enabled some time ago the fact that reviews were required.
In the go, we also enabled the fact that the branch *must* be up-to-date.
This makes sense in general, but is mostly a waste of time in our time, given we use the merge strategy, i.e. Jenkins will first merge the PR against master, then build it (showing up as pr-merge on the PR status check).
I assume this GitHub settings makes sense for other CI systems or when Jenkins is only configured to build the so-called pr-head.
We should only require reviews.
We can allow not being up to date with master branch given we build pr-merge.
to clarify, we need to uncheck the bolded line:
I will proceed about this later today or tomorrow I think. Cc rtyler in case you think this should be preserved for a good reason and you possibly actually configured it this way on purpose.