Test which operates with the workspace (write text file from Pipeline and then ensure it was in the workspace and has expected contents).
Test where a Pipeline library is configured via JCasC.
Test to ensure that class loading happens from the bundle of Jenkins core and not from the version that Jenkinsfile runner provides (when released version retrieved from Maven repo). PR #20 is an example.
Negative tests:
Test where plugin versions collision (incompatible plugins, e.g. Pipeline: Job plugin, and Pipeline: CPS plugin with older version than required). JFR image should not build or should fail to execute.
Test with an incorrect Pipeline (broken syntax).
Test where the Pipeline execution fails.
Test where the Pipeline execution hangs.
Evaristo Gutierrez
added a comment -
Tests for "vanilla" images (standard ones):
"Hello world" smoke test using a scripted pipeline (probably similar to this ).
"Hello world" smoke test using a declarative pipeline.
Tests for CWP-produced images:
Test for [this demo|Test for the demo: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkinsfile-runner/tree/master/demo/cwp] .
Tests for another demos ([for reference|Test for other demos (if any).
Some reference CWP builds can be taken from https://github.com/jenkinsci/custom-war-packager/tree/master/demo ]).
Tests for specific use-cases:
Test including a JCasC configuration.
Test for Groovy hooks.
Test using a commit to specify a plugin.
Test where JCasC uses any tool.
Test which operates with the workspace (write text file from Pipeline and then ensure it was in the workspace and has expected contents).
Test where a Pipeline library is configured via JCasC.
Test to ensure that class loading happens from the bundle of Jenkins core and not from the version that Jenkinsfile runner provides (when released version retrieved from Maven repo). PR #20 is an example.
Negative tests:
Test where plugin versions collision (incompatible plugins, e.g. Pipeline: Job plugin, and Pipeline: CPS plugin with older version than required). JFR image should not build or should fail to execute.
Test with an incorrect Pipeline (broken syntax).
Test where the Pipeline execution fails.
Test where the Pipeline execution hangs.
Some reference CWP builds can be taken from https://github.com/jenkinsci/custom-war-packager/tree/master/demo]).