Resolution: Fixed
Latest (11.29.18) Jenkins Version 2.153 (2018-11-25)
Latest (11.29.18) Jenkins Ansible Pipeline plugin Version 1.0 (26 March 2018)
When using the Ansible Plugin with jenkins Pipeline,
I can't see the entire log on Jenkins PIpeline build output - Some output is missing at the end of the Ansible play.
The output looks fine on a terminal - if I'll SSH to the server and run the ansible-playbook command from the command line.
- This issue started about a month ago..
Here is a screenshot of how the output look like now:
Ansible Plugin:
This is the Pipeline code that uses the Ansible Pipeline Plugin:
stage('running something') { steps { script { dir('my/path/here') { ansiblePlaybook([ inventory : 'hosts', playbook : 'main.yml', installation: 'ansible', sudoUser : null, colorized : true, extraVars : [ blah : "${params.blah}", some_var : "${params.some_var}" ] ]) } } } }
- relates to
JENKINS-52729 Launcher.ProcStarter.stdout(TaskListener) discards remotability
- Resolved
Not familiar with this plugin so cannot give details, but in general if you have a Callable (or FileCallable) running on an agent that has been passed a serialized TaskListener, it will need to flush before returning.