The relevant code gets all actions of type hudson.plugins.analysis.core.AbstractResultAction or hudson.plugins.analysis.core.MavenResultAction:
* Returns all build actions that derive from {@link AbstractResultAction}.
* Every action represents a single analysis result.
* @param build the build to get the actions for
* @return The static analysis actions for the specified build. The returned
* list might be empty if there are no such actions.
public List<Action> getActions(Run<?, ?> build) {
ArrayList<Action> actions = new ArrayList<>();
for (Action action : build.getActions(Action.class)) {
if (AbstractResultAction.class.isInstance(action) || MavenResultAction.class.isInstance(action)) {
return actions;
drulli, would you mind pointing me to the equivalent classes in the new static analysis framework?
We would like to mail our developers with an overview of the results in a mail. Currently we use the analysis-core results in a jelly template based on the jelly html template src/main/resources/hudson/plugins/emailext/templates/static-analysis.jelly. }}We iterate over the {{it.staticAnalysisActions and create a table with all the separate results per analysis tool.