I understand what you are saying.
So, how can we run batch tasks used by this job, tasks created not in this job but in other jobs), if the menu is not visible?
In my opinion, I was expecting that the tasks menu be always be visible everytime there is a task configured in the current job or everytime that that job has a post-build task defined (even if it's not its own).
The real issue I came across, that forward me to open this ticket is : How can I manually run an "external" task defined to run in the current job, if there is no menu for it (they only appear when the current job has them defined)?
An idea I have to resolve this issue, would be to completly disable usage of external tasks altogether (you can trigger other job's afterall).
Here's an idea to simplify the tasks configuration:
- move the "Batch tasks" section in jobs configuration down to where "Invoke batch tasks" section currently exists; (I think this would also solve ticket #5580)
- add an additional field called "Enabled" to every task. So the task could be configured to run or not;
- Add ability to organize tasks order of execution (move them up and down in list, so they are executed in order they appear);
- remove "Invoke batch tasks" section altogether, so only tasks defined in the current job can be used. That way it becomes impossible to use other job's tasks and the menu will correctly appear when the current job has tasks defined or not (current behaviour).
I think this last idea would solve the trouble that we (Me and some colleagues at work) are having in understanding how tasks should correctly be used.
I think this idea would simplify the tasks definition and usage.
Let me know if you like this idea and if this ticket should be closed and an "Improvement" or "Feature" should be opened instead.
Thanks for your time with this.
I don't see a bug here.. it shows the sidepanel link if this job has any tasks. Whether or not the job invokes batch tasks from other jobs as a post-build action is not a factor here. Can we close this issue?