I see, the format is totally different
Right, sadly it is. But it is emitted by javac, and only with `-Xlint` option used.
The result from command line call:
$ javac -Xlint -Xlint:-processing -cp ../glassfish-embedded-all-5.1.0.jar:../jakarta.ejb-api-3.2.5.jar:../api.jar src/main/java/.../XXX.java
warning: Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor 'org.netbeans.modules.schema2beansdev.Schema2BeansProcessor' less than -source '1.8'
Also - I could not find any way of explicitly disabling this check/warning, and have other still enabled. (After all the end result is as I want - it is effectively ignored...)
It seems this warning was not fully linted/integrated to -Xlint option (https://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7184902 and others).
Shouldn’t it make more sense if such warnings will be rather catched by the maven parser only?
I reported this, with expectation that e.h.h.a.p.JavacParser was supposed to catch it.
My assumption could be wrong, or for any other reason it could be not feasible to add it to JavacParser.
Unfortunately, with two tools configured (Java, Maven) or Maven alone - in Maven Warnings report, some other warnings are correctly collected, but not this one - it is not present at all.
For example, from console
the 1st warn (Cannot get the branch...) is present, and the 2nd (Supported source...) is not.
Probably due to https://github.com/jenkinsci/analysis-model/blob/0e953832b82e0f8d611b84a30146cbb00b9f0ea7/src/main/java/edu/hm/hafner/analysis/parser/MavenConsoleParser.java#L73?
Which parser?